Klasse gepimpt mit Schiffchen anstatt Stickmaschine zeigt uns die Rehkönigin:
Unendliche Tüddelei von Decore e blablablabla:
Ratzfatz-Hinguckertaschen von Nicky:
Feuerwehr, Krankenwagen, LKW….. häkeln? Danke an ramtamtam für die tolle Häkelanleitung:
Oder möchten eure Kinder einzigartige Arztkittel aus ausgedienten Herrenhemden? Dann schaut bie den Zweien, wie ihr diese ganz einfach umarbeitet:
Cute dressed up shirt with boat by Rehkönigin:
Embellishments galore by Decore e blablablabla:
Crocheting firetrucks or ambulances? Ramtamtam made a tutorial:
Do your children need unique lab coats made of old shirts? Look at Zweien for an easy tutorial:
huch… hier lese ich unverhofft von mir. das freut mich aber! danke schön!
glg anke
hey sabine…jetzt hab ich doch hier „meine“ mini-ratzfatztaschen entdeckt…das freut mich unglaublich!!! ;0)
liebste sommergrüsse
My mum and I would like to create a weblog comparable to this for our internet site, I stumbled across your website looking to get some ideas on the theme along with design. I am taking some html coding course while attending college however, not confident that I would be able to produce a internet site like this one just yet. Did you code this website all by yourself or hire a qualified?
Hi Guiseppe, yes, I have make the design by myself. The basic code is wordpress. Step for step, it was a work of few weeks. One week to set the code and more weeks to design the look.